Dark circles under the eyes

Men and women alike suffer from dark circles under their lower eyelids. Dark circles, which are sometimes accompanied by bags, might make you appear older than you are. To compound things, they might be tough to eradicate.

While dark circles can affect everyone, they are particularly prevalent in persons who:
  • are senior citizens.
  • are predisposed to this problem genetically.
  • are members of ethnic groups other than white (darker skin tones are more prone to hyperpigmentation around the eye area).

While exhaustion may appear to be the most reasonable explanation for this condition, dark circles beneath the eyes can be caused by a variety of circumstances. They are usually harmless and do not require medical intervention. Continue reading to learn more.

What causes black circles under the eyes?

There are numerous variables that contribute to dark circles. Several prevalent causes of include the following:


Oversleeping, excessive weariness, or simply staying up a few hours later than your typical bedtime can all contribute to the formation of dark circles beneath your eyes. Sleep deprivation can dull and pale your skin, revealing black tissues and blood vessels beneath it.

Insufficient sleep can also cause fluid to accumulate behind your eyes, giving them a puffy appearance. As a result, the dark circles you observe may be shadows created by swollen eyelids.

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  • Age:

Natural ageing is another frequent cause of dark circles under the eyes. Your skin becomes thinner as you age. Additionally, you lose the fat and collagen necessary to preserve the suppleness of your skin. As a result, the dark blood vessels beneath your skin become more visible, darkening the area immediately behind your eyes.

  • Eye strain

Staring at a television or computer screen for an extended period of time can put tremendous pressure on your eyes. This strain may expand the blood vessels around your eyes. As a result, the skin around the eyes may get darker.

  • Dehydration

Dark circles under the eyes are frequently caused by dehydration. When your body is dehydrated, the skin beneath your eyes becomes dull and your eyes appear sunken. This is because they are so close to the underlying bone.

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